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AU-EU Exchange Seminar

AU-EU Exchange Seminar

Supporting the AU-EU Exchange Seminar on Long-Term and Comprehensive Election Observation, Addis Ababa, funded by the Joint Africa-EU Strategy Support Mechanism (JAES)

The Seminar was originally aimed at sharing best practices and election observation methodologies between the AU and the EU and to investigate possibilities for expanding the scope of AU observation.  However, as the AU had already made the decision to move to longer term, more comprehensive election observation, the organisers decided to expand the focus to include training long-term observers (and potential core team members) for a selection of upcoming AU election observation missions (EOMs).  The seminar also aimed at identifying concrete initiatives for strengthening EU-AU cooperation on election observation in three key areas: institutional capacity, observation methodology, and follow-up to recommendations.

The Seminar was attended by 30 potential long term observers along with representatives of several African election commissions and directors of election observer networks. Opening speakers included the AU commissioner for Political Affairs Dr. Aisha L Abdullahi, EU Ambassador Gary Quince, the EU External Action Service Election Division Head Emanuele Giaufret, and MEP Alozj Peterle providing the perspective of an EU Chief Observer. 

Different aspects of long-term observation methodology were discussed and explained by a wide variety of election experts including Dr Beata Martin-Rozulimowicz, Head of the Elections Department of OSCE ODIHR, Rushdie Nackerdien, Holly Ruthrauff and Barbara Smith of EODS along with media, legal and election experts. The details of how the AU expects to implement the methodology was presented by members of the Democracy and Electoral Assistance Unit (DEAU) of the AU. 

Following the training, EU representatives met with DEAU Staff to discuss possible areas of future collaboration.  This has led to three DEAU staff attending different EODS trainings in Brussels, collaboration on the further development of the AUs methodology including election-day reporting mechanisms, and to other trainings held during 2014.