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Regional Organisations and Networks
Regional Organisations and Networks 18 Feb 2019
EODS-LAS training on election analysis opened yesterday in Cairo

In cooperation with the League of Arab States (LAS) EODS has organised a training on election analysis. The training started yesterday 17 February in Cairo and intends provide participants with knowle...

Regional Organisations and Networks 13 Nov 2018
LAS-UN Forum of Electoral Management Bodies in the Arab States

The second Forum of Electoral Management Bodies in the Arab States opened today in Cairo. The Forum is taking place on 13-14 November at the League’s headquarters. The Forum is organised as part...

Regional Organisations and Networks 07 Jun 2018
EODS II at expert roundtable on Cyber Threats for the Electoral Process in Ukraine

On 7 June, the EODS Project Director took part in the expert roundtable in Kiev dedicated to Cyber Threats for the Electoral Process in Ukraine. The event, organized by International Foundation of Ele...

Regional Organisations and Networks 02 May 2018
EODS attends the ZIF annual training for Long-Term Observers

On Monday 29 April, EODS took part as guest-speaker to the annual Long-Term election observation training organised by ZIF. EODS presented EU perspectives on international election observation, in par...

Regional Organisations and Networks 07 Dec 2017
EIUC launches open training for International Electoral Observers (IEO)

EIUC is glad to announce the launch of its training for International Electoral Observers (IEO) open to applicants with no experience in election observation or to those observers who have participate...