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Tunis conference on financing of political life during election period

Tunis conference on financing of political life during election period

The 28 March conference in which EODS took part was organised by the Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections – ISIE (Supreme Independent Authority for Elections) in partnership with UNDP, the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and IFES. This event focused on campaign finance regulations, including principles, criteria, methods, and good practices in this area, providing international comparative insight on political and campaign finance. The conference served as a platform for Tunisian political-institutional actors and decision-makers to explore ideas for future legislative reforms in the area of campaign finance.The conference gathered members of Parliament, political party leaders, representatives of the Ministries, magistrates and members of the Judiciary, representatives of political finance oversight bodies, scholars, national and international experts. The event was followed by a workshop entitled "International perspectives on techniques of control of the financing of election campaigns" which took place on 29 March. See also: