Training for Long-Term Observers in French-Speaking EU EOMs

Training for Long-Term Observers in French-Speaking EU EOMs

The EODS training for the position of long term observer in French-speaking EU EOM aimed at providing tools and knowledge to implement the EU long term election observation methodology to prospective LTOs. From 2 to 6 February 16 participants from 16 EU member states were introduced to topics relevant to the work of a LTO in an EU election observation mission, with special emphasis on roles and responsibilities, international obligations, commitments and good practice related to elections, and in particular to develop capabilities related to the different activities undertaken by EU observers, including drafting spot and weekly LTO reports in French.

The training also focused on developing participants’ interpersonal skills, and combined presentations, case studies and exercises based on possible scenarios during the mission, such as meetings with different interlocutors, media, and national staff.

The training final agenda can be consulted here.