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Regional Conference on Electoral Dispute resolution

Regional Conference on Electoral Dispute resolution

From 5 to 7 October 2015 EODS participated in a ‘Conference on Electoral Dispute Resolution’, for CSOs in the Arab region which took place in Beirut and was organised by the UNDP office in Lebanon. The aim of the conference was to both raise awareness on the issue of EDR amongst groups involved in election observation but also to bring different CSOs together, including members of The Arab Network for Democratic Elections (ANDE) and the Election Network in the Arab Region (ENAR).

The group expressed a high level of interest in future similar events to enable them to continue to exchange experience and support each other, especially CSOs working in countries where their rights might be restricted. They were keen for more election related materials to be developed in Arabic. The news that EODS will be translating the upcoming new version of the EU observer handbook was welcomed.
UNDP presented its ‘Arabic Lexicon of Electoral Terminology’ at the conference, which can be found in the resources section of this website