Preparation of third edition of Compendium of International Standards for Elections

Preparation of third edition of Compendium of International Standards for Elections

The EU Compendium of International Standards for Elections has proved a valuable instrument to election observers of the EU, but also to other observer groups. The third edition, dating back to November 2007, needed updating in order to reflect developments in International Law and changes of ratification status.

  • In December 2013, EODS convened a meeting with the representatives from EC/FPI, EEAS and election experts to discuss the future edition of the EU Compendium of International Standards. Participants recommended to only update the compendium content without changing structure and layout.
  • Currently circulated for review by the EU institutions, the English version of the new edition of the EU Compendium of international standards for elections should be publically released following approval of the final text.
  • Translation of the new Compendium into French, Spanish and Arabic is due to be completed by the end of 2015.