Preparation of the new edition of the EU Handbook for Election Observation

Preparation of the new edition of the EU Handbook for Election Observation

EODS is in the process of creating the third edition of the EU Handbook for Election Observation.

  • As a first step, an online survey was organized in November 2013 within the community of EU EOM core team members, long term observers and short term observers in order to get feedback from them on the current edition of the EU Observation Handbook and possible areas of improvement. It collected the views of 114 respondents.
  • In December 2013, EODS convened a meeting with representatives from EC/FPI, EEAS and election experts to discuss the new edition of the handbook. Meeting participants were positive overall about the current version of the Handbook and suggested that the revision should be an “update” rather than an extensive restructuring of the current document. This view was further supported by the results of the online survey of EOM members, who generally found the handbook to be both useful and user-friendly.
  • The English version of the new edition of the Handbook for EU election observation should be publically released following approval of the final text by the EU Institutions.
  • Translation of the new Handbook into French, Spanish and Arabic is due to be completed by the end of 2015.