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Opening of the Workshop for Security Experts in European Union Election Observation Missions

Opening of the Workshop for Security Experts in European Union Election Observation Missions

FPI, in cooperation with EODS, has organised an advanced training event targeting experienced security experts working in EU Election Observation (EOMs) and Exploratory Missions (ExMs). The workshop, gathering 17 experts, has started today and will close on 27 November. The general goal of this workshop is to increase knowledge and awareness of the existing methodological frame for the position of security experts and foster consistency in practices pertaining to this role position, in particular with regards to EOMs and ExM routines and reports. An additional objective is discussing and comparing current approaches and challenges for security assessment and management within EU EOMs. This twofold objective responds to the will of enhancing the skills of the existing pool of experts serving in EU EOMs and strengthen consistency in their activities during EU missions.