Field visit to EU EOM Lesotho to assess new approaches to observe social media

Field visit to EU EOM Lesotho to assess new approaches to observe social media

The EODS Social Media Coordinator, Francesca Boggeri, joined for a field visit the EU EOM deployed to Lesotho, in early-October. One of the main purposes of the visit was to assess the effectiveness of the recently developed approaches and guidance for observing online election-related content as well as the suggested social media tools. 

In Maseru, the EU EOM Social Media Analyst (SMA) and the EODS Social media coordinator fruitfully exchanged on several methodological aspects, in particular, on the set up of the social media monitoring project and the work of the social media monitoring unit staff, locally recruited (see photo). 

Caption - EODS in Lesotho working with the EOM analyst and the social media monitoring unit staff locally recruited

EODS in Lesotho working with the EOM analyst and the social media monitoring unit staff locally recruited