EODS Seminar on Election Day observation

EODS Seminar on Election Day observation


On November 4th 2013 EODS organised a seminar on Election Day observation in its offices. The Seminar gathered representatives from the Carter Center, the OSCE/ODIHR, NDI, ANFREL, the OAS, DI, EISA, ERIS, and LADE, as well as EU EOM experts. The seminar touched upon issues of election day observation forms, observation sample design and data collection technology. The purpose of the event was to get feedback from EU EOM members on the current EU practice, and to discuss comparative practices with other observer organisations.

The conclusions of the discussions recommended several technical developments such as the implementation of semi-standarize forms to be customised by the EU EOM core team (CT) according to the different contexts. In this regard, the discussions also covered data entry and transmission, including use of tablets or digital pens.