Trainings 19 Sep 2016
EODS completed its first advanced training on online election content

From 13 to 16 September, eleven EU EOM core team experts and observers participated in the EODS advanced training on online election content. The training aimed at building capacities on the methodolo...

Trainings 13 Sep 2016
Deputy Chief Observer Training (Deadline extended 1 October 2016)

Training for the position of Deputy Chief Observer in EU EOMs Brussels, 24-28 October 2016 Notice   Election Observation and Democratic Support (EODS), a project funded by the European Commis...

Trainings 28 Jul 2016
Advanced Training on Online Election Content

Advanced Training on Online Election Content Brussels, 13-16 September 2016 Notification Election Observation and Democratic Support (EODS), a project funded by the European Commission, is organisi...

Trainings 23 Jun 2016
Training for the position of Campaign Finance Analyst in EU EOMs

The purpose of this five-day training was to acquaint the participants with the issue of political finance and the relation between money and politics. The goal of this workshop is to train future cam...

Trainings 23 Jun 2016
Training for the position of Data Analyst in EU EOMs

EODS organized a training to data analysts in EU EOM aimed at providing election practitioners with tools and knowledge to participate in EU EOM Core Teams. During the course, participants were intro...