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Annual meeting of EU EOM Deputy Chief Observers and Project Managers held in Brussels

Annual meeting of EU EOM Deputy Chief Observers and Project Managers held in Brussels

On 15 - 16 June, EODS in cooperation with the Service for the Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) gathered together 13 Deputy Chief Observers and Project Managers from the Service Providers, who have recently participated in European Union Election Observation Missions (EU EOMs). The meeting aimed at facilitating peer sharing of experiences and lessons learned from these key members of observer missions and making recommendations for improvement.

The two-day activity also offered an opportunity to participants to discuss recent developments in EOMs, namely the implementation of the Ethical Guidelines, and the impact of a broader visibility efforts aimed at reaching out and engaging wider audiences. Challenges posed by new areas of assessment such as election technologies and social media were also addressed.