Advanced training on International Obligations and Election Disputes Resolution Brussels, 16-20 March 2015

Advanced training on International Obligations and Election Disputes Resolution Brussels, 16-20 March 2015

From 16 to 20 March 2015 twelve election observation practitioners with relevant core team experience in EOMs with the EU and other international organisations participated in the EODS advanced training on international obligations and resolution of election disputes.

Participants had a chance to deepen their knowledge and understanding of those two important areas for assessing elections, as well as to exchange experiences with peers. The training was designed to include the latest developments in international instruments dealing with fundamental political rights, with a special emphasis in specific regional instruments relevant in areas where the EU deploys Election Observation Missions, such as Africa, Asia and Latin America.

During the second part of this advanced training, participants were updated on tools and resources for assessing the resolution of election disputes, a topic of increased importance for EU EOMs in countries with contentious election processes.  The course combined presentations, case studies and group exercises aiming at facilitating participants’ learning experience.

This advanced training on international obligations and resolution of election disputes was the second of its kind organised by EODS.

The training agenda can be consulted here.