Electoral Reform International Services (ERIS)

Electoral Reform International Services (ERIS)

Electoral Reform International Services (ERIS) is a non-governmental organisation that provides support to strengthen democratic institutions and election processes around the world. ERIS has a proven track record since 1992 in providing election assistance, including support for domestic observers and other stakeholders, and has worked in over 70 countries. From 2002-2007, ERIS led the consortium that implemented the EU NEEDS project, providing training and methodological tools for the EU Election Observation Missions as well as assistance and regional networking for domestic election observer groups. ERIS serves as the EU focal point on behalf of the UK, responsible for selecting LTOs and STOs for the EU EOMs. ERIS conducts training twice a year for LTOs from throughout the EU. ERIS experts also regularly participate in EU Expert Missions and Exploratory Missions.

ERIS specialises in providing assistance in dynamic political environments, implementing projects recently to support electoral processes in Côte d’Ivoire, Zimbabwe, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. ERIS provides assistance on a broad range of issues throughout the electoral cycle such as conflict mitigation strategies, electoral law reform, and technical assistance for election management bodies, monitoring of political finance, women’s participation, journalist training and youth mobilisation. ERIS is an original signatory of the Declaration of Principles for International Observation and regularly attends annual signatory meetings.